Headshot of Mengyao Li

Hi, I'm

About Me

I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Psychology at Georgia Tech. I received my Ph.D. in Industrial & System Engineering from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. I direct the Hybrid Intelligence Lab (HI lab), where we study the interaction of human and machine intelligence. Specifically, we understand, predict, and shape human-AI communication, social cooperation , and long-term coevolution in safety-critical environments.

I am actively looking for Ph.D. students, master, and undergraduate researchers. Learn more.


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I aim to measure and manage trust in the human-AI conversation using the explainable machine learning models.

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I adopt experimental design, game theory, and cognitive modeling, and simulation approaches to study goal alignment process in the human-AI cooperation.

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I applied novel approaches, such as trajectory epistemic network analysis, to model the temporal aspects of trust dynamics in long-term human-AI symbiosis.


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